Cale Shapera

Fly Ball - Ahem

After releasing a bunch of bedroom and jam room recordings over the years, I wanted to finally release music which had all the fixins (professional recording, mixing, and mastering). A good 18 months after recording our album at the Noise Floor, we finally birthed it in the summer of 2019.

It sounds great! Buy a hand-crafted tape!

Jess Sung Portfolio Website

In my first non-squarespace foray into web development, I made a portfolio website for my friend, Jess Sung, a photographer.

I wanted to see if I could create a modern, responsive website from scratch without any tools or libraries. Jess gave me a few examples of sites to "take inspiration from", and I went to work

I learned many, many lessons during this project (like why using JS to dynamically generate menus is worthwhile... after many, many menu updates). In the end I was happy with the project, and my friend got an extremely cheap website that she had to learn HTML and git in order to update ;)

Clio Hackathon Forum

While teaching myself to program, I was fortunate enough to work for a company which held quarterly hackathons. For the third hackathon, I led a team trying to build a meta-project: a web app which could be used to plan and organize hackathon projects!

It was a hectic mess figuring out databases, authentication, SPA routing, etc, and I can't count all of the google rabbit-holes I went down, but in the end I got a functioning app!

Anyone want to have a hackathon?